Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Motorhead's Dream...

Reason #876 why I love living in Newburyport - a classic car show! 

I fully admit it - I am a motorhead!  Always have been.  I love cars.  If I were to win the lottery tomorrow, by Saturday, I would have already picked out about 4 different cars that I would be planning on purchasing and contemplating a few more. Watching car shows is a favorite guilty pleasure - Top Gear being the best of the best.

So imagine my delight that upon arriving home today (after a really horrid day, which included waiting for AAA to show up to jump start my car), I discovered that there was a classic car show in Newburyport ("Crusin' the 50s") for one day only!  Happy happy joy joy! Christmas came early.  Although why they called it "Crusin the 50s" when there were cars dating from the 30s through the 60s...  Boggles the mind.  <shrugs>

I hadn't heard that this car show was happening so this ended up being a very nice surprise! I even bought a Crusin' the 50s t-shirt.  Yeah, okay, I'm a nerd.  I fully embrace my nerd-dom. Pictured above is just one of the many cars that I would purchase if given half a chance - a classic 'Vette!  Below is probably my all-time favorite classic car - 1965 Ford Mustang.  This would be my first purchase - although I'm not a fan of the color. I would prefer blue or red. <growl>
If you'd like to see all the photos that I took, check out my Crusin' the 50s photo album.  Enjoy, fellow motorheads!

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