Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Life Can Turn on a Dime!

Everyone has at least one day in their life that is a game changer for them. It's the one day that you remember forever - the life changing day. If you haven't experienced that day, you will. Perhaps you might even have a couple of days like that, but everyone will have at least one of those days in their lives.

Is it the day you met your significant other? The day that you got that dream job? The day tragedy struck? Whichever date it is, you end up with a clear delineation in your life that you consider "pre-" and "post-" this specific day.

For me, it was exactly 4 years ago today - January 21, 2010. I'm sure that chosen day will surprise most people. People generally assume it would be one of the times that I was diagnosed with cancer (2007 or 2013), but strangely enough, that is not the case. My life has not been severely impacted by my cancer diagnoses. No, my life altering day was just a random Thursday, a day that started out ordinary with nothing to indicate anything special would take place. I expected the day to be my usual routine - wake up, morning toilette, breakfast, work, lunch, work, return home, dinner, television, bed. (Yes, I live an exciting life.)  But in a moment, my life was forever impacted... and started simply with a handshake. 

I won't bore everyone with the details which are only of interest to me, but suffice it to say that my life has not been the same since. Was it that my life changed for the better? I occasionally think so. Mostly, I think it changed for the worst. Since that day 4 years ago, I have reached the heights of heaven and the depths of hell. I experienced some of the best days of my life and, conversely, some of the most heinous days! My life is continually measured by that date in January (and the subsequent 8 or 9 months). Geez, I miss those days...sort of! Well, I miss the heights of heaven - not so much the depths of hell, mostly because I still experience that hell on a regular basis.

Life is a funny thing. Just when you think you've got it all figured out, something comes along to screw it all up again.  Do you have a life changing day that you will remember forever?


I came across two songs, which are just too beautiful not to share and have been added to my catharsis list. The first song "Feels Like Home" (lyrics), sung by the truly amazing Josh Groban, explains best how I felt post-January 21, 2010 (still do, in fact):

The second song "You're the Only Place" (lyrics) also sung by Josh Groban is a pretty good way to sum up the fallout/disappointments stemming from 4 years ago:


Stacie said...


Sandi said...

Thanks, my friend. I could use a hug from my Stace-alah!

Stacie said...

Ditto Sand-alah!

Jessie said...

Josh Groban is perfect for life changing events. And cats.

Sandi said...

I couldn't agree more, Jessie.

Agatha said...

Funny, I remember certain life altering events very vividly, but not necessarily all the dates -- general year or month sometimes but not exact dates. I am a firm believer that just when you least expect it another fabulous life altering day will blossom before your eyes. Or at least I hope so for both of us ;)

Sandi said...

I'm a "dates" person. I remember every important and even the not so important dates. I wish I weren't because then I would have specific dates that are just hell for me. :-) Well, I'll count on your being that believer. I've kind of lost my belief in 'fabulous life altering days'.

Barbara said...

I've always called it "before" and "after." Think yours is more literate. :-)

Sandi said...

That's the sole purpose of why English teachers are born. To be literate. ;-)