Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Best and Worst Smells in the World...

As a follow up to my previous post (Best and Worst Sounds), I thought I'd post the best and worst smells - at least for me. I was thinking about this today as I was baking two pies in preparation for Turkey Day (apple and pumpkin). My entire apartment smells heavenly!! Don't you just wish you could smell it? I can say definitively: "homemade apple pie is one fantastic smell!!"  But it is my favorite??  Hmmm...

10 Best Smells in the World:
  1. Old books... new books... okay, just BOOKS!
  2. Freshly baked cookies
  3. Freshly laundered clothes
  4. Chocolate
  5. Baking bread
  6. Freshly brewed coffee (I hate the taste, but love the smell)
  7. Burning wood - firepits, bonfires, fireplaces, etc.
  8. Homemade spaghetti sauce
  9. Freshly cut grass
  10. Vanilla
10 Worst Smells in the World:
  1. Poo
  2. Sewage
  3. Cigarettes/cigars
  4. Wet dog
  5. Bad breath
  6. Used diapers
  7. Skunk
  8. Vomit
  9. Rotting food
  10. Roses (yeah, oddly I hate roses on so many levels - the smell being just one!)
I would imagine that decomposing flesh is probably the top of the worst smells list, but I don't believe I've had the "pleasure" of getting a whiff of that!  And I hope it remains that way.

What are some of your favorite smells??? Here's wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving - one that is filled with nothing but wonderful smells!

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