Thursday, November 29, 2012

Chivalry is NOT Dead!

My faith in humankind has been restored!  Okay, that's an exaggeration, because it's not fully restored, but it is vastly improved.

Last night on my way home from Boston, my car decided to stall in the middle of bumper to bumper traffic on the Tobin Bridge at 9:30 at night.  <sigh>  Good timing!!  After a half dozen or so cars drove by me, with several upraised middle fingers [nice!], an amazing thing happened!  A lovely Jamaican man pulled up next to me and asked what had happened.  After I told him that my car stalled and I couldn't get it restarted, he immediately pulled in front of me and jumped out of his car in order to assist me.  He checked out my oil and battery (all fine), pushed my car (along with a couple of other do-gooders) to the right hand lane so I'd be out the way of the traffic, and kept me company - all the while trying to get my car started.  I think if it had gotten to the point where I needed to call AAA, he probably would have kept me company until they showed! How sweet is that?? Fortunately, 5 minutes later, the old girl started up.  I'm still not sure what he did to get it to start, but this lovely young man performed some incredible magic on the car and got me back on the road safe and sound.  Turns out, the cause of the car problem was a faulty starter.  Today as I attempted to escape from work, my car wouldn't start again. Long story short - 2 hours in a repair shop, $300 poorer and I now have a new starter.

So I give a great big THANK YOU to my knight in shining armor, Jermaine.  He was flying off to Jamaica today and I wish him the best and am so grateful that there are still kind people in the world.  I'm not entirely sure what I would have done last night if Sir Jermaine had not stopped to assist me!  Thank you again, Sir Knight! You are an amazing human being!

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