Friday, November 23, 2012

Career Change: The Daily Reset...

There are so many amazing things about teaching but being able to hit reset button on a daily basis is probably the best feature of them all. Anyone who teaches will recognize this facet.

One of the fantastic aspects about kids ... particularly teenagers ... is their resiliency.  It's most likely because teenagers are completely self-involved (as we all were at that age). Although as we know - some people grow of that, some do not. But this adolescent self-absorption does have an up side. When teaching teenagers, and you either: make a mistake, tell them something that you didn't mean to, or yell at them, by the next time you see them, they've forgotten all about it! How incredible is that?? After years of working with adults who hold onto grudges until the cows come home, it's a pleasant change to be able to hit that reset button every day. It seems like no matter how many mistakes I make during the day, by the next morning, I get a clean slate and can start all over again!

Pretty amazing, huh??  If only adults remembered a little bit of what it was like to be a teenager - not the narcissism part, but the forgetfulness and forgiveness aspect. The world would be a much happier place in which to work and live!

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