Monday, June 23, 2014

What Did They Sing?

Today, I went out for a walk to try to get rid of some of my long held demons (didn't work!), and naturally, I brought along my iTouch to listen to some tunes to get me cruising along. As I was listening to random songs on my "workout" playlist, it occurred to me that some singers sing like they have marbles in their mouths. Not enunciating when singing is a big "no-no" in the theatre world, but rock 'n roll is completely different. It seems the less the audience understands, the more famous the song. For example, when I listened to ELO's Mr. Blue Sky, I barely understand anything that Jeff Lynne sang, but I do love the song.

Long before the internet and CD booklets, music aficionados had to learn the song lyrics by merely listening to the songs over and over again. Oh, occasionally, albums would have lyrics printed on them, but not very often, so many of us grew up singing the lyrics completely wrong.  More than likely, people still are singing those lyrics incorrectly because you can't teach old dogs new tricks.

Therefore, I thought I'd share some of my favorite misheard/misremembered lyrics, followed by the actual lyrics:

"Hold me closer, Tony Danza."  (Who's the boss?)
"Hold me closer, tiny dancer." 

"Might as well face it you’re a dick with a glove." (Were they thinking of Michael Jackson?)
"Might as well face it you’re addicted to love."

"'Scuse me while I kiss this guy."  (Gay pride!)
"'Scuse me while I kiss the sky."

"'Cos I’m shaving off my muff for you."  (Oh, TMI!)
"'Cos I’m saving all my love for you.

"I’ll never leave your pizza burnin'." (Must be an Italian chef who thought this one up.)
"I’ll never be your beast of burden."

"Revved up like a douche, you know a rumor in the night." (One of my favs)
"Revved up like a deuce, you know a runner in the night."

"You make me feel like a rash on a woman." (I suppose natural women get rashes.)
"You make me feel like a natural woman."

"I get high. I get high."  (Well, it was the '60s.)
"I can’t hide. I can’t hide."

"I like big butts in a can of limes."  (Limes come in cans?)
"I like big butts and I cannot lie."

"See that girl, watch her scream, kicking the dancing queen." ('70s discos were vicious)
"See that girl, watch that scene, digging the dancing queen."

"Like a virgin, touched for the thirty-first time." (Well, we are talking about Madonna)
"Like a virgin, touched for the very first time."

"Bald-headed woman."  (Bald headed women need love too.)
"More than a woman."

Did I miss a favorite of yours?  You can read 100s of misheard lyrics at Kiss This Guy. Funny website.


Paige said...

from one of my college friends, who purposefully destroyed lyrics...."I have a tumor, they say you've got a broken arm" (bananarama)

Sandi said...

LOL. Love it!

SnarkyTom said...

I've been to that website. I laughed my butt off...literally. I had to go to hospital to get it sewed back on.