Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Toupée Or Not Toupée? That is the Question...

The answer is: NO!!!!!

I happened to take a walk around town the other day - doing a little people watching and saw a gentleman who was wearing the absolute worst hairpiece! I mean it looked like an animal had crawled onto the man's head and died! Why do men wear these ridiculous things?!

Vanity is usually attributed to women, but in my experience, that is not so. Men are just as vain. So what's the solution?  Accept what nature has given you ... or in this case, has not given you. Stop trying to "fix" something that isn't broken - this goes for the celebs too. Speaking as someone who has twice had the opportunity to sport a bald pate, it's a sexy look. I'd gladly spend the rest of my life bald! Talk about easy maintenance. What most men haven't figured out is that they actually look better when they are either bald or balding. It's certainly a better look than having a small rodent perched on your head. 

This scenario reminds me of one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes:
I want to "pull-an--Elaine" whenever I see someone with a rug. But apparently that would be considered rude, so I will just have to seethe in silence whenever I see one of these pieces.


Tom said...

I vote nope to the tope!

Sandi said...

Resolution passes with a 2-0 vote! From henceforth, toupees will be banned from society!

Marianne said...

What about hair plugs and extensions?

Tom said...

Booo to plugs. Hair extensions on women are okay, but not on dudes.

Sandi said...

They're banned too. A colleague got extensions and they looked ridiculous on her.

Tom said...

I cede to the junior senator of Massachusetts. No extensions.

Marianne said...

How about that spray on hair? YIKES is that awful!

Sandi said...

Spray on hair! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GeF7A05zQ8

Tom said...

That's nasty too. Might as well let a group of first graders color on your head. Couldn't be any worse.

Jessie said...

It looks better on the cat lol.