Monday, March 23, 2015

Pain, Pain, Go Away! (Cancer Update)

As I mentioned 2 weeks ago, I made the decision to head back to Philadelphia instead of continuing on my road trip to California. There were many medical reasons why I made that decision but mostly it was an extreme pain issue. If you remember back in January, the test results indicated that I had pleural effusion, which I needed to keep an eye on.

Reminder: pleural effusion is a build up of fluid around the lungs. And it is effing painful. For the past two weeks I've experienced everything from mild to severe pain - with occasional pain so bad that I've either vomited or burst into tears. The pain takes the form of a stabbing pain - like someone jabbing me continually with an ice pick with the occasional axe to my side. Adding to the pain is a chronic cough which developed thanks to the lung irritation. Pretty much the past two weeks have been hell.

Today, I met with a new oncologist. The doctor I saw in January was not covered under my new health plan. Let's not discuss what those visits and tests are going to cost me! Anyway, I met with my new oncologist who seems to be an understanding sort, but also a bit stubborn. So stubborn meets stubborn. Yay! Wanna guess who'll win this contest? Once again, I had to review my cancer history and my thoughts on moving forward. While he completely gets the desire to travel, he is also advocating the use of chemotherapy and Tamoxifen. <sigh> He means well and he did talk me into getting a prescription for Tamoxifen. Even though I have the pills, it doesn't mean that I'll be taking them. He may think the minor chance of a stroke or blood clots is worth trying it, I do not. Right now though, we're both focused on getting rid of my pain

Here's what's on tap for this week: (i) a chest x-ray (which I did after leaving the oncologist's office), (ii) another CAT scan of my chest, abdomen, and pelvis, (iii) a thoracentesis, which is a fancy word for draining the fluid around my lungs (see photo) - hopefully that will help with the pain, and (iv) meeting with the oncologist at the end of all this to see where we go next.

A busy week of medical stuff and I'm already bored with it. Stay tuned for further updates.


Christy said...

Sending warm, loving, pain free thoughts your way! xo

Lee said...

I agree with Christy! I am sending some too!! Think positively and know I love ya!!

Tom Albano said...

Hope you feel better soon

Becky said...

I HATE that you're in pain! Thinking about you and sending healing thoughts!!!

Heather A said...

I also hate that you are in pain. Can they put in a drain so you can drain it if necessary? Pain medication help any? Sending you lots of love.

Fiona said...

Am so impressed by how you've taken control of your life and health care. Such conscious choices. Admire you. Now get rid of the pain and back on the road!

Donna said...

I hold you in my heart and wish for your pain to lift today. Love you Sandy.

Gretchen said...

Sending you love. I do hope they can make you pain free soon. I'm so sorry you have to experience this.

Sandi said...

Thanks for all the love and support, gang. Heather, the doc doesn't want to put a drain in yet because there can be complications (like pain at the site, infection, etc.), but he'll put it in if ithe effusion comes back after draining. Pain meds work mildly. Even the oxy I have only takes the edge off and doesn't eradicate the pain. Good times. :-)

Janine said...

I hope you can get the pain under control ASAP and even get back on the road soon to continue your adventures. Prayers, love and kisses ALWAYS coming your way! Xo

Linda said...

thinking of you, as always, my friend. Feel better!

Heather A said...

CRAP!!!! Hope it gets better soon! Thinking of you. Love and healing sent daily!

Tom said...

I'm hoping the coughing goes away.

Erica said...

So sorry, Sandi.

Sue said...

Thinking of you Sandi. Wishing for less painful times. I'm so inspired by your living so fully!

Unknown said...

Sandi, this all sounds miserable. I'm sorry your trip got cut short due to all of this.

I also wanted to give you a resource in case you need help with financial issues. They might be able to assist you. I refer my patients there all the time and they are a wonderful program.

Unknown said...

Also this -