Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Abolishment of Showers!

No, I don't mean our daily ablutions! Please continue to bathe on a regular basis. No, I'm talking about the bridal/baby variety. 

The other day I was questioning a colleague about her weekend and she registered a rather lengthy complaint about being someone's maid of honor and having the burden of planning and eventual hosting of the bride's shower and how much she hated them. I concurred that I loathe showers - bridal and baby. We both agreed it is time for the elimination of these archaic practices. 

The reasoning behind the creation of bridal showers dates back to times when women lived at home until they married. Therefore the brides-to-be didn't have any of the daily necessities that are required to maintain a house: dishes, glasses, pots, pans, etc. But nowadays it is practically unheard of that someone lives at home until they marry. Most women move out of their parents' home and live on their own with all the accoutrements that go into living alone. Similarly, so do the men. When couples get together and marry, they commingle their houses and, most likely, rid themselves of the duplicate items. So why, why, why do we still have bridal showers??

Baby showers are just as annoying but unfortunately slightly more necessary. Unlike people who move out on their own long before getting married, people do not anticipate a baby and buy a bunch of products to keep on hand just in case. But quite frankly, I equally detest baby showers. Don't get me wrong, I like children, but why it is the responsibility of friends and family of parents-to-be to make sure that these little bundles of joy have every little thing they need and desire. Quite frankly, if you cannot afford to purchase these products, don't have a child.

I have the added annoyance of being the perpetually unattached, childless friend/family member who plunks down a boatload of money for these two traditions, but end up not having a reciprocal exchange with my friends and family. Where's my quid pro quo? I love my friends and family. I am thrilled when they get engaged, marry, and have children. I celebrate their luck and revel in their happiness, but why should it cost me money in the form of gifts at showers?

So I say all of us need to rise up and say "no" to these ridiculous rituals. Who's in???


Paige said...

too funny - just this past weekend, one of my friends commented that she's over both of these...and as a 30-something, single, childless chick, she wants to adopt a dog and make all her married with children reciprocate the $ and time that she has put into gifting them and their spawn....

Sandi said...

LOL!!! Hilarious! Glad to know there's at least one person out there who is on my side! :-)

Marianne said...

I agree, let's do away with weddings too! I'd like to be refunded for all the wedding gifts I gave to folks unable to stay married for more than a couple of years. I might add that I have had none of these either. And how about christenings, graduations, confirmations, etc., the list is endless..... Well maybe someone will throw me a retirement party in about 20 years, should I make it that long, LOL!

Sandi said...

LOL!! I couldn't agree with you more, cuz. I'm down with getting rid of all Hallmark holidays :-)