Sunday, February 8, 2015

Why Can't Everyone Just Be Responsible People?

Before I continue posting about my Great American Road Trip, I need to vent my ire about something. Since I won't waste my time venting to the person who has angered me (mostly because it would serve no purpose), I will get my frustrations out through my writing.

Let me start by asking a question: is there someone in your family who is consistently late to every major event (and even the minor events)? Do you have to tell these people the wrong time in order to try to get them to events on time (their invite to a 5:00 pm event says 4:00 pm)? Do these people regularly blow off important family events for seemingly no reason? If you answered "no" to these questions, then perhaps you will not be able to understand my anger and frustration.

There is a member of my immediate family who this type of person (the youngest brother). He is ALWAYS late to every event (he was an hour late to his own wedding!). Additionally, when he's not late, he's blowing off events at the last minute with no legitimate excuse. He's been like this his entire adult life and I'm sick of it. The straw that broke the camel's back was the fact that he did not show up to my niece's wedding yesterday. I wanted to punch him in the face.

On Thursday, he was asked to be the videographer and agreed. He was supposed to be at the venue by 4:30 on Saturday. Well, that time came and went and he was a no show. My two brothers and I shook our heads and griped on how this other brother was a lost cause. But we assumed that he and his wife and daughter were (as usual) running late and would arrive well after the ceremony started. My eldest brother ended up video taping the wedding. Hours and hours went by, the festivities were going strong and still these people did not show. Around 9:00pm, my sister-in-law (the mother of the bride) could finally relax a bit and happened to check her cell phone to discover ... are you ready for it? ... a text message from my youngest brother's wife saying that they would not be able to attend the wedding, sent at 4:37pm. I'm sorry, but barring death or dismemberment, there is no excuse for my brother not showing up for his niece's wedding. Right now, this brother is on everyone's shit list. While we are not terribly surprised that he did this, it pisses us off that this sibling is so incredibly irresponsible.

I ask my question again: why can't everyone just take care of their responsibilities? What causes some people to grow up and be responsible and others to be childish and irresponsible their entire lives? If he were the youngest in the family, I might say that's part of the problem, but he's not. I am!  I certainly do not act like this. I keep hoping that one day he will grow up and become an adult, but I'm thinking I won't see that happen ... certainly not during my lifetime. Perhaps he'll grow up one day, but I doubt it.

The only good thing about him not showing up for the wedding: it turned out to be a drama-free, beautiful wedding! I wish my lovely niece and my new nephew all the happiness in the world.

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