Friday, January 23, 2015

New Oncologist and Latest CT Scan (Cancer Update)

When I got back from Europe, I knew it was time to find a new oncologist. I didn't think it was efficient use of my time to travel 6 hours to Newburyport for doctor's appointments and tests. I researched the Philadelphia oncology centers and decided to go with Fox Chase Cancer Center, a National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center research facility and hospital, and about 4 miles from my brother's house. The location makes it terribly convenient. FCCC has a good reputation and is ranked as the second best cancer center in Philadelphia. (Number 1 is University of Pennsylvania.)

The first week of January, I went through a rather lengthy pre-screening call with a nurse and was given an appointment time last week with a doctor. I'll call her Dr. J (not Julius Irving). Last week, Dr. J and I met to discuss my history and suggestions for the future. During our appointment, we both agreed that chemotherapy was not useful, but she wanted to wait until my next CT before making any possible recommendations. I told her that I was not really interested in any treatment at the moment, but I will listen to her suggestions and then make my decision. For the record, I really like this doctor. She listens and doesn't judge.

This past Wednesday, I went back to FCCC for the CT scan, which Dr. J said that she would call me with the results. I had indicated that I was leaving for my road trip and if she could call me before I hit the road, I would appreciate it. I waited around yesterday and today, waiting for a call that didn't come. I even called FCCC around noon today to ask the nurse if she could remind Dr. J about calling me with the results. 

Here's the interesting thing about FCCC. They put all medical records online where I can freely look at them. While I think this is great, it also sets a bad precedent if they post medical records before the doctor has a chance to review them with the patient. For instance, I decided to log into my FCCC account and check to see if the test results were there and lo and behold, there they were. So while there was nothing terribly earth-shattering in the report (nothing that I didn't expect), it's probably a bad idea for a patient to look at the test results before reviewing them with the doctor. But since I've already looked at the results, here's what I found out:

For some reason, they compared the results with my February 2014 scan and not my August 2014 scan. The largest lesion in the right lower lobe measures 3.1 x 2.7 cm (which is three times what it was in August 2014). The right middle lobe metastasis measures 2.7 x 1.9 cm (about twice the size). There a new large pleural effusion on the left side. A left pleural based metastasis measuring 3.3 x 2.4 cm which is new.  Plus some smaller nodules. In addition to the growth and new nodules, there is a new node in the pelvis which measures 2.1 x 1.2 cm. Oh joy!

Like I said, nothing surprising. I fully expect there to be growth in the nodes. I expect that the doctor will probably call me some time next week when I'm on the road. If she says anything that is reportable, I'll post it. Otherwise, time to hit the road, spend time with friends and family, and do some US sightseeing. 


Tom Albano said...

I hope you're feeling well.

Sandi said...

Feeling fine at the moment.

Paige said...

move on, see you soon..........Dr J needs to get on the ball....

Jodi said...

<3 <3 <3

Bonnie said...

Sandi. Nothing to say. You are important to me, I value you. Always here for anything you could ask for. Including pillow cases :-D

Heather A said...

Well not sure if this Doc deserves your time. Hope you have a great trip! Sounds like a fun time. You are going to see the fab Warren! Can't wait to see photos of this adventure. Sending you lots of love and have a fantstic adventure ! Hope you miss the snow!

Sandi said...

Thanks, ladies. I can't wait to see Warren on stage. It's been way too long. I'm very excited for this trip.

Lee said...

Sandi.... 4 things I know for sure..... #1 You are a strong, beautiful woman..... #2 I admire your strength and zest for life..... #3 I am proud to be your friend..... #4.... Love you, girl!

Sandi said...

Awww, I'm blushing. Love you so much. Can't wait to see you!

Lee said...

Me too! Hey- I may take a day and we can do whatever you'd like!! If you have the time!! Let me know! <3

Sandi said...

Oh that would be fantastic! I don't see why I won't have the time.

Marianne said...

Not happy about this but am glad that you are off on another adventure! Happy trails. Say hi to Josie for me.

Sandi said...

Will do, cuz. I'm spending about 3.5 days with your mom and brother.

Tom said...

Safe trip. Your room will be here when you get back and maybe even the kitchen will be finished.

Jessie said...

I wish I could log on and see my medical records! I agree with you 100% though that the doctor should see them before the patient can.

And have fun on your next adventure!! :-)

Janine said...

I agree that Dr. J should have called rather than you having to snoop around on your own. Terrible. I hope you enjoy your next adventure and please let me know when you are back in Philly. Xoxo

Unknown said...

I Love You!!!! Have a safe trip!

Judy Griffin said...

Safe travels. Hope we get to connect on your U.S. Trip. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Hope your new Doctor proves to be a benefit. Enjoy this time with your friends and family. You are an inspiration to us all. Love you, Sandi. Xoxo
