Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lovers On The Run - The Continuing Story of Zakia and Mohammad Ali

If you remember, approximately 6 weeks ago, I posted a blog about a modern day Romeo and Juliet story that was taking place in Afghanistan.  To recap, two young adults (Zakia, 18 and Mohammad Ali, 21) had fallen in love but because they are from different sects, their families would not allow them to wed. 

Here's an updated story:

On the first day of spring, Zakia and Mohammad Ali eloped and were wed by a mullah. But despite their marriage, all is not well. This lovely young couple are on the run from both their families - who have threatened to kill the couple and the police who have trumped up charges of bigamy and "attempted adultery." Because of these issues, the newelyweds cannot truly enjoy their honeymoon as they are constantly on the run from authorities. In the past month, they have stayed in homes of friends when they could and even slept in caves when they could not find shelter. For awhile, they were staying with distant relatives and former neighbors of Mohammad Ali in the mountains of central Afghanistan, but they were seen by another distant relative who told Mohammad Ali's father where the couple were staying. Nosy old biatch! 

Running short of money, constantly on the run, and unable to escape Afghanistan has not lessened the love this couple feels for each other. They remain committed to their relationship and want nothing more than to live their lives in peace with each other. I am glad The New York Times in continuing to follow the story.  You can read the full article here. There's a video on The New York Times website where Mohammad Ali shares his thoughts and feelings.

Zakia and Mohammad Ali, my thoughts and best wishes for your safety!!


Tom said...

Once again it proves that f***** up religions really do mess with people's lives.

Sandi said...

Amen, brother...erm...welllll... you know what I mean. ;-)

Tom said...

Hahaha...you are too funny. BTW, I didn't see you in our house of worship this past Sunday.

Sandi said...

Erm, well, you see - I was washing my hair, I was sick in bed, I had to work, I fell asleep, I had the flu, my mom wouldn't let me, I had a flat tire, I was arrested and in jail, and the dog ate my homework. So I couldn't make it.

Tom said...

You were too busy to attend a service at the Church of the Mind? Or is it Mime? Let me think. I'm in a box, in a box, still in a box. Now I'm walking against a strong wind. Hmmm.