Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Letters I'll Never Send...

Have you ever really wanted to tell someone exactly what you're thinking but for whatever reason you can't? Perhaps it's your boss and you'd risk losing your job. Maybe you've lost touch with that person and don't know how to reach them. Perchance there's a restraining order preventing you from contacting the person. But you really, really want/need to get something off your chest. Have I got a solution for you!

Last night, I stumbled upon an interesting website, Letters I'll Never Send, which seems pretty self-explanatory based on just the website name. The site is "a forum for all of us needing to get a few things off our chest. Writing honestly, without fear of judgement, is one of the best forms of emotional and spiritual release. By writing out what has been upsetting you and 'setting it free', so to speak, you get one step closer to closing that chapter of your life and moving on. We truly believe that you need to 'feel it to heal it'" (from the website).

I couldn't agree more. Writing is a great catharsis for getting rid of excess of emotions. The nice thing about this website is that it's completely anonymous. You want to write something about your boss, go for it. Lost touch with that special or not so special someone, write about it. Don't worry about that restraining order, just type. Head over to Letters I'll Never Send and write that letter!

The interesting thing about the website is how much we are all so similar. Most of the broken heart letters could have been written by me. I empathize with their pain because it is the same daily pain with which I live. If you want some inspiration, go to the "category" look up and see what other people are saying about a subject near and dear to your heart and then add to the site. It's a good way to relieve some of your frustrations.

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