Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Why Books Are Better Than People!

I've lived a fairly long time in this world and I've come to the following conclusion: sometimes people suck! Not always, but more often than not, sadly.

After reading Empty Mansions (which was the subject of my last book review), I can completely empathize with Huguette Clark and her desire for isolation. There are many days where I think "she had the right idea." Stay in the comforts of your home with all the things you love and leave all the sucky people behind. If I had $300 million or so (like Huguette did), I might be tempted. I could spend all my time with my favorite friends - my books, and would probably be quite content. See, I truly believe that books are better than people for many reasons.

Here are the top 10 reasons why books are better than people:
  1. Books take me where I want to go: When I pick up a book I am transported to a different world with a multitude of adventures awaiting me. People, in general, are, by comparison, boring!
  2. Books rarely disappoint: Even the worst book ever published still has some redeeming quality about it. If nothing else, it's good for a laugh on how bad it is. Conversely, people are a constant letdown.
  3. Books don't lie: Unlike humans, I have never been lied to by a book. If I had a dollar for every time a person lied to me, I'd have that $300 million.
  4. Books are always available: If you can't sleep and need someone to turn to at 3am, books are always there for you. People can be cranky if you call them in the middle of the night.
  5. Books are practically indestructible: While I don't condone book abuse, I can throw a book that frustrates me across the room. You do that to someone who aggravates you, you're likely to end up behind bars.
  6. Books aren't judgmental: I have never had a book make wildly, false accusations about me. I cannot say the same about people.
  7. Relationships with books are eternal: There's no divorce, no break up, no leaving, etc. Books will always be by your side - provided you remember to always carry a book. People are fickle.
  8. Books aren't ignorant: The amazing thing about books is how much it allows the expansion of the mind (including any book written by Ann Coulter, which allows you to understand the obtuseness of some people). Unfortunately, there are entirely too many unenlightened people in this world (i.e., the aforementioned Ann Coulter and so many others).
  9. Books aren't cruel or mean: Seriously, I've never had a book call me names. People do that all the time.
  10. Books don't break your heart: If a book makes you cry, it's because it was meant to do that - in a good way. When a person makes you cry, sometimes it's intentional and sometimes not, and rarely in a good way.
It's no secret that I am a book nut and that most days I prefer to spend my time with the characters in a book over people, because of all the things I've listed above. You can sum up this list by saying, books don't hurt people - people hurt people. Do you agree or disagree?  Let's discuss!


Tom said...

And you forgot that when it's cold and you don't have heat because you spent the utilities money for books, you can burn the crappy ones for warmth. You can't burn people...legally.

Sandi said...

Very good point. I hadn't thought about that aspect.

Jessie said...

I agree with you on many points but of course without people there would be no books.
Oh the irony!

Sandi said...

Well, I don't want to rid the world of people, just my life. ;-)