Wednesday, March 5, 2014

If Animals Could Talk, What Might They Say?

Have you ever looked at your pet and wondered what they might say if they could talk? I do. I assume that Lotta, the wonder cat (pictured) would ask why I don't feed her more often, complain that I leave her alone all day, and explain how I am a terrible, terrible mum.  Mostly she would think I'm terrible because I leave her alone all day, don't feed her all the time, and bug her when she wants to sleep.  Such a terrible mum.

BBC One's Funny Talking Animals - Walk On The Wild Side created a bunch of clips of animals "talking". Okay, animals talking is funny enough, but add a British accent and it's just hilarious!  Yes, this video is silly and ridiculous, but it is one of the funniest videos I've ever seen.  If you have about 10 minutes to spare, take a look. I dare you not to laugh!


Tom said...

Mine would say that I don't feed him enough too.

Marianne said...

Hmmm Kurt says that I don't feed him enough either. Maybe our pets are reincarnated people?