Tuesday, February 4, 2014

20 Interesting Science Facts!

I have said it before: I'm a HUGE nerd. I love science and all the weirdness that goes with it. I came across some really strange and fascinating science facts that I just find amazing.  Enjoy!
  1. There are 62,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body – laid end to end they would circle the earth 2.5 times.
  2. At over 2000 kilometers long, The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth.
  3. The risk of being struck by a falling meteorite for a human is one occurrence every 9,300 years.
  4. A thimbleful of a neutron star would weigh over 100 million tons.
  5. A typical hurricane produces the energy equivalent of 8,000 one megaton bombs.
  6. Blood sucking hookworms inhabit 700 million people worldwide.  [Eeeeuuuuwwww!!]
  7. The highest speed ever achieved on a bicycle is 166.94 mph by Fred Rompelberg, in 1995.
  8. If you eat a polar bear liver, you will die. Humans can't handle that much vitamin A.
  9. The male giraffe will continuously headbutt the female in the bladder until she urinates. The male then tastes the pee and that helps it determine whether the female is ovulating. If she is, it's nookie time.
  10. The combined length of the roots of a Finnish pine tree is over 30 miles.
  11. The oceans contain enough salt to cover all the continents to a depth of nearly 500 feet.
  12. The interstellar gas cloud Sagittarius B contains a billion, billion, billion liters of alcohol. [That would be one hell of  a party place.]
  13. Polar Bears can run at 25 miles an hour and jump over 6 feet in the air.
  14. 60-65 million years ago dolphins and humans shared a common ancestor.
  15. Polar Bears are nearly undetectable by infrared cameras, due to their transparent fur.
  16. The average person accidentally eats 430 bugs each year of their life.  [Protein!]
  17. A single rye plant can spread up to 400 miles of roots underground.
  18. The temperature on the surface of Mercury exceeds 430 degrees C during the day, and, at night, plummets to minus 180 degrees centigrade.
  19. It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the average human of blood.
  20. Honey does not spoil.  You could feasibly eat 3000 year old honey.  [But would you want to?]
Science is cool!


Paige said...

cool. and Go Bill Nye. debate should be underway.

Tom said...

#9 = that's how I meet my women.

Sandi said...

Nice. How's that working out for you?

Tom said...

Not too well.