Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nearly $4 for a Gallon of Gas??

I know I'm not the only person feeling the pinch at the gas pumps these days.  But today as I was plunking down $55 to fill up my Jeep, I wondered what others countries are paying in comparison.  Well, in most cases, I'm glad I live in the US, where it's only $4 a gallon.  Here are the highs and lows:

Turkey comes in at the highest rate - a mere $10.00 per gallon.  Ouch!!  For that same fill up I just completed, I would have paid $140 in Istanbul.  Sheesh!  I think a camel would make a better choice there.  Of course, if you want to get your gas cheaply, you could move to Iran, where the gas prices are the lowest at $0.12 a gallon.  What?!?  That's even more ridiculous.  My little Jeep would have been filled for about the price of a pack of gum ($1.70).  I actually expected that Saudi Arabia would be the lowest, but it is not surprising that it's a Middle Eastern country.  Here's the full list of gas prices worldwide.  Truly fascinating.

So I suppose I can be happy that I'm only paying $4 a gallon or I could move to Iran.  Anyone know where I can buy a hijab?  Hmmmm... Maybe not!

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