Friday, November 11, 2011

Phones in Bathrooms? What?

I know I keep banging on about manners, but each day I get more and more shocked at the liberties that people take. For instance, today I witnessed someone on a business conference call who, I suppose, figured that he needed to use the men's room. As he was on a wireless headset, he decided to go to the bathroom while on the call. Is it just me? Have I become a stick in the mud? But candidly, I find that type of behavior to be reprehensible. Why wouldn't you just tell the other caller that you need to put them on hold (to take another call... the building's on fire... the dog ate my homework, whatever), go 'do your business' and then return to the call? Quite frankly the last thing I want to hear while I'm on a call is someone using the toilet, particularly a business call. Talk about unprofessional. And don't tell me that no one notices. Yes, they notice - they just don't want to talk about it.

This isn't the first time I've witnessed this act. Have you ever been in a public bathroom in... oh... let's say, a mall and someone is on their cell phone, in the next stall, having a conversation which is generally some mind-numbing prattle of little importance? I even heard one woman complain when another person flushed a toilet, because she was on a call and couldn't hear her conversation. Really? What was the other woman supposed to do, leave a mess for someone else to clean up? Of course, 'cell phone woman' would probably be the first to complain that someone didn't flush a toilet.

When did we get so lax in our manners that phone usage in bathrooms is considered acceptable behavior? Personally the last place I want to sit and have a chat is in the bathroom. The "eeeeuuuwww" factor is pretty high on that. I wouldn't even do it in the comfort of my own home, let alone in an office or public bathroom; equally out of consideration for the person I'm talking to and my own sense of being. <shrugs> Maybe it IS just me. 

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