Sunday, August 24, 2014

People And Their Asinine Priorities!

I'm pretty sure I've ranted something similar before, but time to get something off my chest. Here we go: I will never understand people! With all the insanity going on around the world, people get riled up over some of the stupidest things. 

Let's take the recent announcement by the Discovery Channel's Mythbusters: Hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman announced at the end of the final episode of this season that they were going back to their roots and that the Build Team (Tori Belleci, Grant Imahara, and Kari Byron) would not be back. Okay, so after 10 years, the network didn't want to renew the Build Team's contracts or whatever. It's a little sad, but hardly a major crisis. In fact, I really only liked 2 out of the 3 people on the build team (Kari gets on my nerves!). But the reaction on social media was stupidly ridiculous! "It'll be the demise of the show." "The best part of the show was the build team." "You have to bring them back." "You made an epic mistake letting them go." "I've watched my last MB show!" "That was the worst news ever, Mythbusters." Seriously, people, GET A F***ING LIFE! Yeah, I get that some of this is hyperbole, but why even waste your time posting about it. (I was not trolling, I happened to watch the sayonara video on Facebook and saw the comments.)

Contracts expire, changes get made....literally, that's show business. Grant, Kari, and Tori seem to understand and have no hard feelings. 10 years ago, they were nobodies and today...well, today they are filthy rich, extremely famous, and can get any job they want now. All thanks to that network and the show! Give it a rest people. It must be nice that the worst tragedy in your life is the departure of three performers from a show. I'm sure Michael Brown's family would love for that to be their only worry. If you want to get your anger up, try reading a newspaper or watching the evening news.

When the relaunch of Doctor Who happened, I was so excited that I just devoured every moment. I loved Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor, but did I rant and moan and bitch when he decided to do only one season? No, I waited to see how this David Tennant fellow would fair. Guess what? He did an amazing job and has been voted the best Doctor of all time in several polls (I concur that David was the best, but I do like Tom Baker's Doctor too). When David decided to leave the show, I once again did not rant and moan and bitch, but I was saddened. I decided to give this Matt Smith bloke a go and you know what? I hated his Doctor (frankly, I never liked Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) either). I watched the 11th Doctor for about a season and half and then decided I didn't like the show anymore. What did I do? I stopped watching. I didn't rant about it; I just moved on with my life. (Naturally, I did watch "The Day of the Doctor" because David was in it.) Last night, I decided to give Peter Capaldi a shot and see if I would like his Doctor better than Smith's. I enjoyed the season premier enough to continue watching, but if I end up not like Capaldi's Doctor, what will I do? Stop watching. I will not bitch and complain to the BBC.

People seem to forget that it's all just entertainment: "something affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement, especially a performance of some kind" (emphasis added) ( Stop taking it so seriously. This is yet another fine example of how extremely messed up we are as a culture. As George Carlin once said: "It's a great country, but a strange culture."
Ah, George, I still miss you. I hope you and Robin are hanging somewhere and having a great time!!


Tom said...

And that they are both smoking weed. I'm not sure about the new doctor too, but I like Jenna, so I'll watch for her, but I did like Amy Pond very much and Matt Smith. As for Mythbusters, I watched just about every episode. I missed several from the last few seasons. I always liked Kari and Grant. Never was a big fan of Tori, or Adam for that matter, but I watched because the science was interesting and that they blew up shit. I'll continue to watch when I remember when it's on.

Sandi said...

It's called a DVR. :-) I like Jenna Coleman, but I couldn't stand Karen Gillan. For one thing, she's too thin. You could use one of her legs as a swizzle stick. I also don't think she's very talented. But then again, you don't like Lindsay Lohan. I love Tori and Adam, but don't like Kari. I suppose that's what makes the world go 'round - our differences.