Sunday, August 3, 2014

2nd 30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 21 - 3 Life Lessons

And now for day 21: "What three lesson do you want your children to learn from you?"

Erm... well, now here's the problem with today's challenge - I don't actually have any children. This question harkens back to a question I was asked a few millennia ago when I was an actor in NYC. I was performing in an Off-Broadway production of the rock musical, Hair. The cast was being interviewed as part of a public access talk show (yes, I had hit the 'big times'). The interviewer decided for some reason to ask me: "Would you have your children subscribe to the ideology of the hippie movement?" Why this guy decided to ask me this question still boggles my mind. I know I look a bit  like the "Earth Mother" type but that doesn't mean that I want to have children. So I had to respond honestly to the interviewer that I had no plans or interest in having children.  Probably not the best response - I have a much better answer today.

But I digress: I have lots of young adults in my life in the form of students, but I'm not sure that really qualifies me to give them "parental" advice. I'm uncertain that the advice that I give my students would be the same advice that I would impart to my know, if I had one. 

Well, I'm going to do my best.  Below are the three lessons that I have picked up in my time on this Earth that I would impart to any child:

Question everything

Don't take everything that people tell you at face value, particularly if it's coming from politicians, religious leaders, or medical professionals. They're just as imperfect and fallible as everyone so be sure to ask questions and make decisions based on evidence and common sense. Be a critical thinker.

Be honest

Being dishonest with others and ourselves is sometimes easier than telling the truth. Even though it might seem like it makes life easier, ultimately all that dishonestly will come back to bite you in the arse and is often painful to the recipient of the lies once the truth comes out. Also, keeping track of the falsehoods is really difficult. Just suck it up and tell the truth. But remember to exercise tact with your honestly. It's not necessary to be cruel, but honesty really is the best policy.

Avoid being judgmental

Instead of judging someone for what they've done or how they look, try instead to understand the person. Put yourself in their shoes. Try to imagine their background. If possible, talk to them. Find out their backstory. Everyone has one. If not, try to imagine the circumstances that might have led to the person acting or looking like they do. Then, once you begin to understand, or at least think you kind of understand, try to accept. Accept that person for who they are, without trying to change them.

To sum up: be an honest, open-minded person who has a healthy dose of skepticism. In the words of Walt Whitman:
Tomorrow: Day 22 - 10 Random Songs (I've been looking forward to this one!)


Tom said...

Very sound and fair.

Sandi said...

Why do I suspect you have taken a very different route when writing this challenge???

Marianne said...

I am late because I threw my back out. Didn't want you to think I was slacking off. Here is my submission.

Three lessons

Career: Be honest especially with yourself. Have realistic goals based on the level of skill or talent that you have. If you want a music career but can't sing pursue something in music other than singing. Write, play an instrument, produce, design costumes, playbills, be an agent whatever. Not everyone can be the star. There is no such thing as entitlement. Success takes hard work and dedication and even with all that effort it is not guaranteed. Embrace the gifts that you do have, develop and respect them and you can't go wrong.

Finances: Spend wisely. If I had all the money that I spent on stupid stuff I would not be worrying about retirement. I could have that beach house.

Relationships: Let it go aka get over it. People and situations are not always going to live up to your expectations. You cannot force someone to like you or love you. When its over its over, learn from the experience and move on. Carrying around emotional baggage just weighs you down and will interfere with your ability to have the relationship you were meant to have. We really do not always get what we want but we usually do get what we need.
Have patience, have faith in yourself and fate will provide.

Sandi said...

Good ones. Sorry to hear about your back.