Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10 Lessons I've Learned From Judge Judy

Okay, I admit it: watching Judge Judy is one of my guilty pleasures. I say this with pride because I think Judge Judith Sheindlin rocks. Approximately 10 million viewers watch Judge Judy daily, so I am not alone in this sentiment. I have been a loyal viewer for approximately 14 years and throughout all these years, I have learned many valuable lessons from her wisdom.
  1. Always tell the truth because you never want to be caught in a lie. "If you tell the truth you don't have to have a good memory" - probably my favorite JJ quote.  
  2. Never EVER go on a show watched by 10 million people if you are 21 years old and have 5 kids by 4 different fathers. You will not look good no matter what your position.
  3. Don't ever argue the law with an attorney or a judge, especially if you only have a high school education.  You might be able to argue the law if you have gone to law school, but undoubtedly you'll probably still lose.
  4. If an intended marriage falls through, return the engagement ring. 
  5. Never loan anyone money. It is the quickest way to lose a friendship or family relationship. If a close friend or family member needs money and you are financially able to give it to them without expecting repayment, then do that. 
  6. Similarly, never co-sign a car for anyone!  Same reason as number 5.
  7. Put any agreement in writing, make sure you read every contract thoroughly and retain a copy of the contract.
  8. Don't trust breeders who are 'selling a dog' if they don't allow you to see their facilities. Most likely they are running a puppy mill.
  9. Own up to your mistakes and pay your dues.  Don't expect someone else to clean up your mess.
  10. Most important: It's better to be smart than beautiful because "beauty fades, but dumb is forever."
I am certain that there are many more lessons I have picked up over the years but these are probably the most crucial. Most people find Judge Judy to be acerbic and rude, but her caustic nature is what makes her show so fantastic. She calls people out on their bull and doesn't let them get away with anything. She is one tough cookie and I admire her spunky nature. Plus she's really, really funny!

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