Monday, September 22, 2014

Season 5 of Downton Abbey Starts With a Bang!

I know it's terribly cruel of me to give a brief (non-spoiler) review of the new season of Downton Abbey when it is only airing in the UK, but alas, I cannot help myself. Yes, last night was the first episode of Season 5 and, as with the past couple of seasons, thanks to a little internet magic and my brother's generosity, I was once again able to begin watching the new season a full 3+ months before it airs here in the U.S.

From what I observed last night, the new season is going to be yet another solid one. Our usual cast of characters are all back - Lord and Lady Grantham, Lady Mary, Lady Edith, the Dowager Countess, and the rest of the family, Mr. Carson, Mrs. Hughes, Bates, Anna, Thomas, and the rest of the staff. The season starts in 1924 with the celebration of the 34th anniversary of Robert and Cora. Mary has to decide what to do about her relationship with Lord Gillingham. Mr. Carson is asked to do something that he finds uncomfortable. Daisy is trying to improve her education. The Dowager Countess is still quick with her wit, and Thomas is up to his old shenanigans.

Ahhhh, all the intrigues are back - just how I like it. Yes, I still miss the character of Matthew Crawley and am still sad that Dan Stevens left the show. One day I'll get over that. My only true complaint about the first episode was there wasn't much screen time with Bates and Anna (my favorites), but it's early yet. Rock solid start to what looks like a promising season.


Tom said...

You forgot to mention when the aliens arrived and took Thomas up into their ship and anal probed him. Am I giving away too much of the sub-plot?

Sandi said...

Dude! Spoiler alert! Now people are going to be mad at you for giving away too much.