Thursday, May 30, 2013

Preparing for Battle - Finally!

After a couple of weeks of idly sitting around on my tukus and feeling impotent on getting healthy, I'm finally able to begin preparing for battle. Like any good soldier, I'm starting preparations days in advance of the start of battle. To which battle am I referring? The battle over endometrial cancer which will be fought through abdominal surgery in the form of a full hysterectomy. My surgery has been scheduled and now I need to get all my preparations in order. Here are the various preparations planned over the next few days: 

I started today with first and foremost, a trip to the store to purchase some cute jammies.  Even though I probably will not get a chance to wear said jammies in hospital, I still plan on having them with me. I would hate -- on the off-chance that I have visitors -- for visitors to see me in those horrible hospital gowns. You know, the ones where your butt is hanging out for all the world to see. Even though I'm supposed to only spend one night there, I felt the purchase of new jammies was a must.

Next up - a trip to the grocery store tomorrow. As I will be unable to drive for 2 weeks after surgery, I'm planning on stocking up on enough provisions to last me until doomsday...oh, wait, this is doomsday. Well, then enough provisions to get me through doomsday and beyond. I especially plan on buying enough chocolate to last me until the next millennium! That's one provision I do not want to run out of.

I follow that with prepping for surgery. I received instructions from my surgeon on the necessary steps for abdominal surgery and believe me, it will not be pleasant. The day before surgery, my diet will consist of a clear liquid diet, plus the taking of a couple of doses of Milk of Magnesia. I must remember to stay close to a bathroom at all times on Monday. Oh, sorry - does that go under TMI?  

Additionally, Beth Israel Deaconess is ultra concerned about staving off any chance of post-operative infection. Therefore, I will need to shower both the night before and the morning of my surgery with a special antiseptic soap called CHG (obviously, there is a long, boring medical term for this soap - bah).  All of these steps are the armor and weaponry of my first foray in the War Against Cancer -- Surgery being the first of many battles which lie ahead.

For anyone wanting to send good vibes my way during my surgery, it is scheduled for next Tuesday, June 4 at 8am.  I certainly would appreciate any and all positive thoughts. 

Let the games begin.
One of the best pre-battle speeches, spoken
by the best Shakespearan actor of all time!


Lee said...

I am and will continue to send positive energy and prayers to you.... Time to kick some @$$..... I will be thinking of you.... sending some love! <3 You've got this! :-)

Sandi said...

Thanks, my friend! <3

Marianne said...

Ditto from me cuz. Don't forget Horton. <3

Sandi said...

Oh, no worries. Horton will not be left behind! xoxo

Kim said...

We will be thinking of you and your cute jammies. Sending lotsa lotsa possitivity.

Jodi said...

can I see your cutie jammies? and DEFINITELY get LOTS of chocolate!!!!! LOVE YOU!

Barbara said...

All my good vibes go with you, not like I know if I even have vibes, yet alone good ones. :) The shower/soap thing has become standard in abdominal surgery -- my niece had to do that before all 3 surgeries. But, no post-op infection, so we'll credit it all to the medical soap. :) Love, good thoughts always. <3

Almost 50 by Alvin Blackshear said...

Just a note to let you know that all the friends you've made and all the people you've loved are thinking of you and sending you pedals of love and support. You are loved and cared for by everyone who knows you.

Sandi said...

Oh, Alvin. Thank you so much! That is probably one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.

Anonymous said...

Sending positive thoughts for a complete and speedy recovery. Love Agatha

Judy said...

Hi Sandi! Sent you two blogs before surgery but they are not posted. Must be lost in cyber heaven. hope all went well and you are on road to recovery. So sorry you had to endure this and admire your heroic attitude. live strong. Will try and get in touch. We are practically neighbors. Love ya, Cousin Judy in Connecticut

Anonymous said...

This is Cousin Judy in CT's daughter Jill! Hi Sandi! I had no idea you lived in Massachusetts. I live and work in Boston (in fact 2 blocks from Beth Israel). If you need anything at all, I'll be here. Aunt Connie is sending you my contact info. I'll be happy to bring you a new stock of chocolates. :) Rest and recover well. Sending you thoughts and prayers.