Saturday, May 18, 2013

Coping With the Emotional Roller Coaster Ride of Cancer

Anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer can attest to the fact that it is a wild emotional ride! From the highs of being around some of the funniest, most dedicated medical professionals and feeling good about doing positive things in your life to the lowest of lows - dealing with a-holes, money issues, stresses and sadness over the entirety of the disease.  

For anyone who has never experienced this wacky ride, be grateful. But if you ever find yourself in this situation, just remember - it's not all sadness and terror. There are moments of true joy that can be found in battling this blinkered disease.

Most days, emotionally, I'm doing okay, other than being severely bored because I'm currently spending the bulk of my day sitting on the couch.  But then the smallest thing can set me off to crying - sad movies, cute pictures of puppies, Hallmark commercials, etc. But the biggest issue that will set me to crying is the thought of having to go through yet another major medical issue all alone. This new bout with cancer is the third major medical issue that I've had to deal with in the past 5-ish years - each event (for the most part) all alone. Yeah, okay, I'm not perfect. I occasionally take a big seat on the pity pot! Am I looking for sympathy?  No!  Absolutely not! So why do I bring this up? To give some advice:

If you are someone who is fortunate enough to have a significant other in your life who will love and support you no matter what, treasure it! Because when life hands you a big steaming pile of crap, having someone there to support and love you makes it 10 times easier. Don't get me wrong: I have some of the best friends and family members ever, who love and support me, but ultimately, at the end of the day, I have to deal with these issues alone. When I'm laughing at something in a book or on television, I have no one to share it with. When I want or need someone to hold me at 2:00am and tell me everything will be alright, the only thing I have to turn to is a cat.  I love my cat and she is a beautiful, loving but ultimately useless companion. When I want a cup of tea because I don't feel well, she ignores my requests.  Such a little bitch. :-)

As I said, I have the most amazing friends and family, but they have their own lives and issues to deal with and I will not be an additional burden for them. I don't expect them to be at my beck and call nor do I want that. So my advice to you, my lovely friends and readers, is cherish the man or woman in your life.  You are lucky, lucky people.  I order you to go right now and give a hug and kiss to your loved one! And thank your lucky stars that you live a blessed (albeit not perfect) life!

Last piece of advice:


Lee said...

<3 Love you.... stay strong and I will call again soon!!

Sandi said...

Love you more!!! xoxoxo!!!!