Thursday, July 11, 2013

Looking For a Bit of Elegance and Refinement...

Yesterday, I spent a decent amount of time sightseeing at a magnificent local estate, The Crane Estate at Castle Hill in Ipswich. Beginning in 1910 until it was donated gradually over many years to The Trustees of Reservations, this estate was the summer house of Richard T. Crane, Jr. (a wealthy industrialist from Chicago) and his family. This estate has a fascinating history and I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent there, but as I explored the house and grounds, I felt underdressed and unworthy of being there. I was wearing shorts, a tee shirt, and sneakers - all perfectly acceptable in today's slacker society, but while touring the mansion, I felt like I should have been wearing nicer clothes. (I felt the same way when I toured Kensington Palace, Buckingham Palace, Palace of Versailles, etc.)

While walking around the lovely grounds and palatial mansion, I kept wishing that people were a little more refined than we currently are - and I include myself in this critique. Nearly everyone is too mouthy, too uncouth, too uncultured. I'm not saying that we need to go back 100s of years to the time of Sir Walter Raleigh and the tale of him placing his coat over a muddy puddle, but can't we all just act a little more sophisticated and chivalrous.

Last night I was watching the latest episode of MasterChef and for those readers who may or may not be watching this show, there's one particular contestant this season who embodies all these boorish qualities. Her name is Krissi and she's a brash, potty mouthed barbarian, who is completely obnoxious and loathsome. Last night, she let off a tirade of expletives and repeatedly threatened to physically harm other contestants and it kind of sickened me a little as I watched the episode. While I'm not in her category of rudeness, I am beginning to realize that perhaps I could be a little more polished and refined. Therefore, I have decided that it is time to make a commitment to not only living in the moment, but living it in a nicer, calmer, kinder, gentler, more genteel manner.

Okay, everyone - Pinkies up!

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If anyone is interested in seeing more photos that I took of Castle Hill, check out my Travel Photos site. You can see photos from some other trips I've taken like Paris, Italy, and London.

I love this sweeping lawn.

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