Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Medical Coverage!

Can someone please explain to me how this country does not have universal health coverage?!?! Oh right, three letters - AMA! I just wrote a check out for COBRA coverage in the amount of $330. Now friends who cover themselves as a single person pay nearly $600 a month for their health coverage, so $330 is a bargain. But as an unemployed person (at the moment), this is a huge chunk out of my savings.

Instead of paying billions of dollars on a war of choice in Iraq, why doesn't the federal government do something about the rising healthcare costs? Right because you and I don't put obnoxious amounts of money in the coffers, like the special interest groups do. It's about time something was done about this. I am so tired of hearing about terrorists and war from these bumblers who are running for President. When will one of these candidates tackle the real issues that affect Americans; healthcare, education and economy? Is it because there is no money in these causes? It makes me furious.

There are more than 50 million people without medical coverage in this country! It's about time America got smart and demanded that something be done about the healthcare situation in this country! Go to: http://www.healthcare-now.org/ and get involved! It's about time we took back our country from the special interest groups!

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