Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Boy Named "Superman" --- "4Real?!?!"

This morning I was perusing the Internet and came across a news article, in which a New Zealand couple plan to name their newborn son "Superman." This was their second choice for a name. Their original choice ("4Real") was not allowed by the New Zealand government registry.

Truly! What is wrong with these parents?? I get that you do not want your child to be a "Tom, Dick or Harry," but "Superman?!?!" Or worse yet "4Real?" Although, they still plan to use "4Real" as the child's nickname. What?! Did these parents not go through childhood? Do they not remember the torture that children can hurl upon other children for just being "different?"

It reminded me of that episode of Seinfeld where George Costanza wants to name his first child, "Seven." Jerry's hilarious response to that statement is: "Hmmm, 'Seven Costanza.' Yep, I can see it now: Seven periods of school per day, seven beatings a day, seven stitches per beating, followed by seven years to life." Instead of naming your children some ridiculous name that will cause them nothing but grief and heartache, why don't you instead instill in them a free spirit and encourage them to become the best person they can. I fully support nonconformity, but this is going a little too far overboard, even for me. As Crosby, Stills & Nash have sung: "Teach your children well."

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