Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Why do I live in NYC?

Seriously, can someone answer this question? Nearly fourteen years ago, I had the brilliant idea of moving to Manhattan. Fourteen years later, I'm wondering why I still live here. It's loud, dirty, wildly expensive and people can be incredibly rude. This morning on the subway I was repeatedly smacked in the knee by a man's backpack and never once got an apology! An entire subway car reeked of the three homeless men who were using it as their home and bathroom. Why do I continue to live here??

When I originally moved to the City, it was to pursue my dream of being a stage performer. Where better than NYC to fulfill those dreams. Well, that dream has crashed a burned. I'm now working jobs that I don't really like and don't really find all that inspiring, but I need them to pay my rent and all the other ridiculous amounts of money that I owe to various places. Perhaps by moving to another place, I might actually save money. Now there's a concept.

There are things that I love about New York - the theatre, not owning a car, good friends, Yankee baseball, not owning a car, Yankee baseball. Okay, I'm starting to forget all the great things about living in New York. I know when I start feeling like this I need a vacation, but I just came back from vacation and still feel the same way that I did before. I truly wonder if this City has finally worn me down. Everyone has their breaking point. Perhaps I've reached mine. I'm paying more for a 1-bedroom apartment than some people pay for a 4-bedroom house. I live in a 5th floor walk up which is aging me every second that I have to climb those effing stairs! So if someone can please give me a reason to stay in this City, I would gladly take any advice you have!

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