Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Have you ever had the following thought: "This is the worse day ever! I can't believe how bad it was. Eff my life!" ??? Of course you have. Everyone has had that thought at one time or another. I posted something pretty similar just recently. I have a solution for days when you have those feelings - Created in 2008, the FMyLife website is "a collection of everyday anecdotes and stories likely to happen to anyone and everyone, sent to us exclusively by our users, which we then publish on the site. This is a space where you can let it all out and unwind by sharing the little things that screw with your day, and maybe realize that you are not alone in experiencing day-to-day crap." Don't ask me where I've been for the past 5 years that I have just discovered this website, but it is sheer genius.

The postings are hilariously sad or sadly hilarious, but either way, it makes your life seem so much more reasonable. Upon first viewing the site, it reminded me of that old quote: "If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back." (Regina Brett)  My favorite posting (so far):
"Today, I took my daughter on her first visit to the zoo. While we were watching the lemurs, some kid thought it would be funny to start shouting 'MONKEY C**TS' at them at the top of his voice. Now my daughter refuses to stop repeating the same phrase. FML"
Yeah, I admit it.  I find that hilarious!  Check out the website if you're having 'one of those days'.  You will feel so much better. Today was one of those days for me after dealing with an annoying and frustrating "professional development" session.  I came home and checked out because I figured someone had to have had a worse day than I did.  Yep!  Lots of somebodies!

1 comment:

Franka said...

Sandi, a co-worker turned me on to this website a couple years ago, and it does make you laugh and put things in perspective. Glad you found them.