Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tot Ziens Amsterdam (Day 16 - GToE)

Tonight, I will be taking a 7pm train to Berlin which arrives at 4am. Ugh! What to do in Berlin at 4am? Fingers crossed there's a coffee shop open.

In the meantime, it's time to say tot ziens (goodbye) to Amsterdam. While I did enjoy my stay here in Amsterdam and will always remember my visits to the Anne Frank Huis and the Van Gogh Museum, I can't say that I loved Amsterdam. I certainly liked Amsterdam a lot but I didn't fall in love with it like I thought I would.

Amsterdam is a beautiful city and the people are wonderful, but I just didn't connect here as I did with my three previous spots (Edinburgh, London, and Dublin). I am certainly glad I visited Amsterdam, but probably could have cut my visit by one day. Perhaps if the sun had come out even once while I was here, I might feel differently, but I doubt it. I think that Amsterdam is a city better to live in than to visit ... if that makes any sense. I certain that Amsterdammers probably have an excellent quality of life, I just don't find their city all that interesting as a visitor, with the notable exceptions of the Anne Frank Huis and the Van Gogh Museum.

Today, I mostly just meandered around town exploring different areas than I hadn't explored before. I took some random photos and window shopped, but otherwise, today was much ado about nothing. I ended up back at my hostel by 1:00pm where I spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the lounge area and watching Ripper Street on Netflix. (Love Matthew Macfadyen!!) I will leave momentarily to catch a tram across town to the Central train station where I will board the night train to Berlin.

Feel free to check out my Day 16 photos on my GToE photo site.


Tom said...

You should catch up with your Downton Abbey watching too.

Sandi said...

Yes, I really should.

Marianne said...

I never could get into Ripper Street.