Thursday, April 25, 2013

Career Change: Mama Said There'd be Days Like This...

Being a teacher is sooooooo challenging on a daily basis. One day, it's the most fantastic day you've ever experienced as a teacher and 24 hours later, it's a complete crapfest!  I suppose that's the most interesting point about being a teacher. After my trip to Phillips Academy last week, I admit I was struggling through the first couple of days back from spring break, but then I had an amazing day yesterday in which students were thoroughly engaged in the material, loved every moment of class, and thought I was the best thing since sliced bread and I thought to myself "Yes, I got this!"  Later in the day, my principal advised me that she was going to nominate me for "Teacher of the Year" - a Rotary Club annual award for my district. Very flattering - although I'm certain I don't deserve the honor nor will win it.

Jump forward 24 hours and I'm dealing with one student assaulting another student in my classroom. That's how quickly it can change when you are an educator. What was the assault about?  Simply enough, 2 pieces of paper on which were printed the school calendars for May and June. Yes, it is true. A female student (a Senior) assaulted a male student (also a Senior) over these two pieces of paper because he wouldn't return them immediately when she asked for them back. Can we say overreaction? Additionally, the female student tried to explain away her actions, blaming the male student.  Erm. Noooooooo, take some responsibility over your actions. I've been equating it with two 5 year old kids fighting over a toy and one child hitting another in order to get it back, except we're talking about two 18 year old "adults".

I suppose what I can say about being a teacher - it's never dull. Of course, later it all balanced out when a colleague of mine mentioned that a student told her that she had "a vagina face."  Now, I'm not certain what that actually means, but I found it amusing and disturbing.  Ah, welcome to education!  It's days like this I wish I still drank!!  :-)

By the way, a couple of new pictures were added to My First Year of Teaching photo album.  

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